Are You Over 40 and Ready To
Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life?
Nothing excites me more than hearing from men and women over 40 who are finally ready to get their shit together and sculpt the kind of physique they've always envisioned for themselves.

Young 20-something's with abs are a dime a dozen. They blend in with the crowd.

But seeing someone over 40 sporting an attractive beach body... well that's freak'n inspiring and commands respect!

This can be you. It should be you. And I can help get you there.
Hey there. How are you? My name is Scott Tousignant, physique coach, and elite natural bodybuilder.

I believe that being over 40 is an advantage when it comes to transforming your body.

Chalk it up to life experiences, maturity, being more in-tune with who you are, and having a more structured routine in your life.  
Forget all this nonsense about 40 being over the hill.

Why settle for climbing a hill, when there's a majestic mountain adventure waiting for you just beyond it?

I believe that you have years and even decades of progress ahead of you.

Over 40 is Prime Time baby! There is no better time for you to transform your body than right now.

But don't just take my word for it. Check out some of these client transformations...
Why Settle For Average
When You Can Be Extraordinary?
Rick has been working out since his teenage years and built up some nice muscle mass, but that muscle was always covered with a layer of fat.

With all that time and effort spent in the gym, some still questioned him, "Do you even lift bro?"

It wasn't until his 40's that he decided to shed the excess fat to reveal his hard work. He set the ambitious goal of being in the best shape of his life for his 50th birthday and damn did he ever achieve it!

Now at 55 he still continues to improve his physique while living life to the fullest.

No longer will you hear anybody asking him, "Do you even lift bro?" Instead, they ask him, "What the hell are you doing to look this freak'n amazing?"
Mike has a similar story. He's been lifting most of his life and built up some impressive muscle.

With his shirt on he looked pretty decent. Not bad for a guy in his early 50's. But shirt off was a different story.

Finally at 54 years of age he decided to take his physique to the next level. Dropping over 30 pounds, getting ripped, and maintaining it easily ever since.

Not a day goes by where he doesn't receive some sort of compliment on his physique. He even has people call him out to show off his abs to others.
Paul is another great example showcasing that being over 50 is still prime time for getting in the best shape of your life.

It's so much more than a physical transformation. It truly is life changing. 
As for myself, I was always lean. Known as the guy with abs and immersed in the bodybuilding lifestyle.

That is until my mid-20's when "life got in the way" of my physique goals. It wasn't all bad. It's just that my priorities shifted.

I started a business and a family at the same time. It was a real challenge to find time for myself.

From my mid-20's to early 30's I gained over 60 pounds. Most of it fat.

I still looked good with my shirt on. And compared to most people I still looked decent with my shirt off. But I felt that my appearance didn't look congruent with the image I had for myself. I felt average and that just didn't sit well with me.

Finally I decided enough was enough. It was time to get my shit together and get my priorities in order.

I set a goal to carve out ripped abs by my birthday. And I did just that...
It wasn't easy, but it was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever gone through.

And the best part... it set the stage for ongoing success and adventure. I've never looked back. Continuously growing and improving in countless ways.

That's how I know this is a true lifestyle approach.

But what's even more rewarding than my own personal transformation, has been seeing how it's inspired others to step up their game and strive for their physique goals.

I tend to attract clients who are in the same place I was when I began my physique transformation 7 years ago. My story tends to resonate with them and was the spark that got them to take action.

Guys like Dennis, Nelson, and Pete...
Bringing Back The Fun To Training Over 40
There are two main reasons my coaching clients experience great success;

1) I keep nutrition simple.

2) I make training fun! It's what I excel at.

I love geeking out on program design. Creating training plans and systems that spark your enthusiasm. Igniting the fire within you to give your best effort, because you are having a blast in the process.

It's the kind of joint friendly, yet hardcore physique training that makes you look smoke'n hot and feel young again.
Now It's Your Turn!
You visited this page because of your desire to improve your physique.

And because you know that having the guidance, support, and accountability from an experienced coach will provide you with the quickest path to achieving your goal.

Now with the additional inspiration from the above transformations it's time to take action.

If you're ready to sculpt a knock out body while having fun in the process, simply click the button below to get the application process started...